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  • Saude e Trabalho Online - Health and Work Online
    Portal Tematico para Seguranca e Saude no Trabalho (Higiene, Engenharia e Medicina do Trabalho, Epidemiologia, Ergonomia, Toxicologia). Textos, links, programas, legislacao, ...

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  • Pakistani Aviation website
    Pakistaniaviation.com is the largest & the most comprehensive website in the world about the Aviation Industry of Pakistan

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  • Aviation.ca
    Aviation.ca, your everyday source for Canadian Aviation; with jobs, news, weather, history, airshows and much more. Aviation.ca is clear, concise and Canadian.

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  • New Zealand's Online Aviation Resource.
    If you have an amateur or professional interest in the New Zealand Aviation industry then NZAvition.com is the website for you. We'll be bringing you information about the aviation community within New Zealand in a new and interesting way.

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  • FlightPhysical.com
    Connects Pilots in need of Flight Physicals to FAA Designated Physicians capable of performing Class One, Two or Three Aviation Medical Exams. Site represents all US designated Aeromedical Examiners authorized to grant Pilot Medical Certificates. Searchable database publishes sites for doctors both inside United States and in 30 countries abroad. Provides info on Exam Standards.

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  • FlightAware
    Free IFR Aircraft Flight Tracking, Status, History, Graphs, and Maps

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  • Pilotfriend
    a complete avaition resource center for pilots and enthusiasts. Includes free ground school, avaition weather and flight planning as well as complete aircraft specification listings and history

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  • Road Mate
    Hire an in-car satellite navigation system within the uk for just £75 a week!

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  • 4TravelInfo.Com
    Worldwide travel directory with links to tourist information, airline, cruises, car rentals, tours, hotels, and other accommodation.

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  • Aviation Multimedia Archive
    Comprehensive Multimedia / Information collection for aviation, produced by the Australian Air League, Hervey Bay Squadrons. Features articles, images, animations, video and motion, sounds and further references.

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  • Airline Reviews Worldwide
    Airline Reviews Worldwide, Amazon style airline reviews website with hundreds of reviews from the US, Canada, Uk and the rest of the world.

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  • New England Aviation
    NewEnglandAviation.com - Serving aviation enthusiasts throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

    Out Hits:  2386,   Rating:  9  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Tourism Dictionary
    Dictionary of travel and touristic-related definitions. Directory of touristic terms and their explanation.

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  • Aero Database
    A free database on aviation. With information on aircraft, airlines, airports, clubs and much more. Constantly being updated. So whether you're a pilot, mechanic, jet-fuel addict, researching an assignment or just an enthusiast check back often as there will be something for everyone.

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  • AviationGeek: Blog
    An aviation blog from a flight instructor about all things aviation!

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